Another year has come and gone, and it was another great year. We spent most of it outdoors either hunting, hiking or fishing with the kids. Pheonix learned how to cast on her own and caught her first fish all on her own and Easton learned how to reel. Pheonix got to compete with Kyle and I at the local archery shoots and she won an online archery league during the spring. I got on Prostaff with an amazing company, Hips Archery Targets and was introduced to freelance writing where a wonderful ladies company picked me up to do some articles for them, Loba Outdoors. Ive met lots of great people in the Outdoors community with the help of Facebook and Twitter. And of course I am still with the amazing Huntress Wear company, but with a promotion to Prostaff Manager! I was also able to partner up with a friend/photographer (KJubinville Photography) and do some portrait shots. We had success with fishing, rabbit hunting, grouse hunting and with the regular season. Kyle even had success during the predator season. The kids were with us for almost every hunt, and they were with us for every kill except Kyles coyote and for the retrieval of his mountain goat. Kyles new adventure into the sheep hunting world was an eye opener and had its trying times for him. My heart broke for him when he came home 3 days early from his solo backpack trip into the backcountry and he informed me of the people that broke the law by driving up a road closure to where the sheep are, after he hiked the 8.5km straight up. You live and learn. Easton got to shoot a bow a couple times, although we think he is going to be left handed and they both got a chance to shoot the .22. Pheonix more so and she loves it. And once she was used to the iron sights she was nailing pop cans at 25 yards.

We are so thankful too everyone that has supported us over the year and the friendships we have made.
Nikita & Kyle
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